Legal Disclosures Specific to Cosmetics


Welcome to Maldinio Cosmetics. We appreciate your interest in our products and want to ensure you are fully informed about the legal standards we adhere to in the production, labeling, and distribution of our cosmetics. We are committed to compliance with regulatory standards to guarantee not only the safety but also the efficacy of our products.

Compliance with Regulations

Our products are manufactured in North America and adhere strictly to the regulations set forth by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States and by Health Canada for cosmetics. These regulations ensure that all cosmetics products sold on the market are safe, properly labeled, and free of prohibited substances.

Product Testing

  • Safety Assessments: All Maldinio Cosmetics products undergo rigorous safety assessments before they are brought to market. This includes testing for allergens and irritants.
  • Cruelty-Free Practices: We are committed to cruelty-free product formulations. None of our products are tested on animals at any stage of product development.

Ingredient Disclosure

  • Full Ingredient Lists: We believe in transparency. Full ingredient lists are available on our product packaging and online product descriptions to ensure you can make informed choices.
  • Known Allergens: While we strive to formulate our products to be safe for all consumers, known allergens will be clearly highlighted on our product labeling and in our online descriptions.


In compliance with FDA and Health Canada requirements, our product labels contain:

  • Identity of the product
  • Net quantity of contents
  • Ingredient disclosure
  • Place of manufacture
  • Directions for safe use
  • Warning and caution statements where applicable

Claims and Representations

  • Evidence-Based: All claims regarding the benefits and efficacy of our products are supported by scientific evidence. We do not make any unsubstantiated claims about our products.
  • Honest Advertising: We ensure that all marketing materials, including images and descriptions, honestly represent our products.

Reporting Adverse Reactions

We encourage feedback and take your concerns seriously. If you experience any adverse reactions while using our products, please contact us immediately. Additionally, adverse reactions can be reported to the respective regulatory bodies as follows:

  • In the USA: FDA’s MedWatch Reporting System
  • In Canada: Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program

Contact Us

For any questions or clarifications regarding our legal disclosures or product use, please contact us through our Contact Us page. We are here to assist and ensure your experience with our products is safe and enjoyable.

Changes to Legal Disclosures

Please note that these disclosures may be updated periodically to reflect changes in legal regulations or our internal policies. The most current version will always be posted on our website.